Monday, February 21, 2011

Odds & Ends - February Style

I am hitting lots of brick walls this month.  Still putting Christmas away (who does that???) and now hoping that I may redeem myself with my St. Patrick's decorations.  Only time will tell with that!!

I thought that I might do an Odds & Ends post during the last week of each month.  Just letting you know what is my current obsession(s) or what is happening in my household.  Also, hoping that it will help to get me motivated!!!

Today we are having ice and snow.  We are lucky and our power has stayed on, but I think more ice might be coming and definitely more snow later this afternoon.  And, this past Thursday I didn't even wear a jacket - just kept a lightweight one in the car when I did my errands!  I couldn't get the front door open today due to the ice.  Here is a photo of the door from the inside (no ice inside - it was all on the outside of the door) -

This was what I wanted to photograph so I had to settle with taking it thru the window.  See the ice on the tree -

I am extremely obsessed with COUPONS right now. 

I had to sort them all first and figure how I was going to carry them around.  The rookie that I was had them in a legal-size envelope bundled by expiration month.  It took forever to find a coupon for something that wasn't on my list that I decided to buy.  I really didn't think that I wanted to get a big binder to take into the grocery store (at least not yet!!!), but I was able to find this that I thought fit my style -

I found it at WalMart for under $5 and it fit in my purse - at least the one I am using this week -- not sure about future purses, but I can always carry it in my hand separate from my purse.  Here it is after I spent all afternoon organizing my coupons -

Still not as efficient as the advance-level of couponers out there -- but OK for me at the beginning of the intermediate-level.  Here are a few gals that I check often - both their blogs and on Facebook -

Krazy Coupon Lady - you can reach her site here.  "Like" her on Facebook and you can just check your Facebook page for updates.  She was on the show Extreme Couponing, amongst some other shows.  She brings a real enthusiasm to coupons.

Also, love these that feature stores in my area -
Coupon Katarina - check it out here.
Coupon Katarina
Saving Money in Toledo - here.
Saving Money in Toledo
These are just a few of the coupon blogs that I check out almost daily.  Sometimes when the coupons are available online it is only for a very short time.  What I like about these sites is they tell you where the bargains are and to match them up with coupons that have recently been available.  I have 6 tubes of Colgate toothpaste that were free, 4 pkgs. of 80 count Gain fabric softener sheets that cost $.17 each box, and so on. 

Also, obsessed with these big pink velcro curlers -

I saw them on the blog Blooming on Bainbridge. Teresa sure does look 200 times better than I do!  My hair is very straight and I used them on freshly washed & dried hair and kept them in for several hours.  I was surprised that they held up and did not fall out.  Thanks, Teresa, for blogging about these velcro rollers because somehow I had missed out on them!

My hair had a nice flow to it as it doesn't take a curl really at all.  I also sprayed some hairspray on my hair after it was all rolled up.  Hoping to help it along.  If you see the pic a couple posts back of us gals with our "Lips on a Stick" -- that is how my hair came out -- at least how it looked at the end of the evening!!

Really looking forward to Real Housewives of Miami starting this week.  I love Bravo's Real Housewives series and have watched them all at one time or another.  I am not a fan of the big drama that sometimes happens, but I know that is what keeps these shows in the ratings.  The drama just got too much for me in the New York and Atlanta versions and I did not watch their latest seasons, but did kind of keep up on some reality sites.  I did not like the DC version at all, but love Beverly Hills, New Jersey and OC - in that order.  I'm hoping Miami does not disappoint!!

I am a great Believer in the "Making of Lists".  This goes with all the positive thinking/the Secret -- if it is written then you are focusing on it and working towards making it happen.  I don't ever finish all on my list, but usually make a pretty good dent.  My gal friends - the YaYa's - are working on a Bucket List.  Each of us are bringing 5 big things we'd like to do and 5 small things we want to do.  These have to be reasonable, of course.  There may be some things on here that others will not want to attempt at all, therefore, they won't make the cut.  I'm anxious to see what the others have on their list and I still have one more to add to mine.  I hope that there are a few things that we can do this year!  I'm debating about working on a "60 things before I'm 60" list - which is just 22 months away!!!!  If I do it -- I'm not sure I'll share it on the blog or not -- depends on what the 60 things are!!  (Not that they'd be embarrassing, but might seem kind of lame - we'll see!)

What a long post -- and I'm not even linking it to another blog!!!!  Now, I want to join Lucy for a nap!!  Is she really comfortable?  I don't think I would be!

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