Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cherry Salad

This is one of my daughter's favorite dishes and was always made by my Mom.

Cherry Salad

1 can cherry pie filling
1 can Eagle Brand condensed milk
1 small can crushed pineapple, drained
1 C. chopped walnuts (sometimes I use just a 1/2 C.)
8 oz. Cool Whip

Mix all together and refrigerate overnight.

This is a great dish to take to a pot luck or when entertaining because it is so easy to put together. 

Last post I had a photo of Lucy watching as I held a pink mouse to tease her.  This is her playing with it -

The camera caught the pink mouse in the air while she was batting at it!!  She loves her mice!!!!

I am linking to Designs by Gollum's Foodie Friday.  You can see more great recipes by clicking here.
FOODIE FRIDAY Click for details


  1. Kind of like pistachio salad. I love cherries, so I'm sure I'd love this recipe. Thanks for sharing it. Have a great weekend.


  2. Oooh, I love to make of my husband's favorites. I use chopped pecans, though, since that's his favorite nut ; )
