Saturday, October 29, 2011

Photo Halloween Wreath

This is my Photo Halloween Wreath that I make additions to each year. 

I began this a couple years ago.  I found this faux bittersweet wreath at a craft store.  I then went thru all my old photos (both print photos - before digital cameras - and on my computer) and printed or gathered which ones I wanted.  (If you are printing them - you don't have to always use photo paper as you can print on white cardstock if you want.)  I trimmed them and glued them (using a glue stick) to some Halloween patterned scrapbook paper that I had cut a bit wider.  To make them sturdy enough to hold up -- I also glued that scrapbook paper onto something thicker (I saved the backs of notepads for this purpose.)

Another close-up --
This is how it looked the first year -
And, the next year --
Currently -
I pack away the photos in the house so they stay in good shape (as opposed to the Halloween totes which go in the garage attic!).  They are so easy to update, too.  You don't have to wait til next year -- you can always do this year's photos before you pack everything away.

Plus, you do not have to limit this to Halloween.  You could do a wreath (minus the bittersweet) with Christmas pics, etc. and do this for many holidays!!!  Let your imagination run wild and maybe start a new tradition!!!! 

Now, Witch Lucy can't wait until I add her photo to the wreath -
I am linking to Funky Junk Interior's SNS Linky Party.  You can see lots of great ideas by clicking here.
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
And, to Boogieboard Cottage's Masterpiece Monday.  You can click here to see all the great ideas at her blog.
Boogieboard Cottage


  1. I think the photo wreath is a great idea. It would be fun to take pics of those attending my Christmas party and add them each year. Thanks for sharing the idea!
