Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Version of Egg McMuffins

I just made these for my husband and myself today -- the first of his many days off for the holidays!!

Here is what you'll need --

English muffins
American cheese slices
Canadian bacon

You will need one of each of the above for each Egg McMuffin you are making.

First, I get the Canadian Bacon going.  I put a small amount of water in a pan.  Get it hot and then put the Canadian Bacon in the pan for just a couple minutes on each side.  Put the heat on very low after this while you are waiting to assemble -

Before the bacon is done - start frying your eggs.  No yolk for these -

When your eggs are how you like them -- put a slice of cheese on top and put a lid over the pan.  Keep a watch because the cheese will be melted in a minute -

When the eggs are nearing completion - pop the english muffins in the toaster.  Lightly butter when the muffins are toasted -

All is now ready to assemble them -

I made a couple extra and have them in a container in the refrigerator ready to be microwaved maybe tomorrow for breakfast.  I love these and are sooooo good!!!!

Lucy likes to watch from here while I am working in the kitchen.  Especially when she smells the bacon -

I am linking to Savvy Southern Style's Wow Us Wednesday Linky Party.  See more recipes and craft & decor ideas by clicking here.


  1. Egg McMuffin is my favorite...never thought to try making them myself...but I am now! Merry Christmas!

  2. I love the photos of your kitty! I saw your blog come up on my list of "stats" so I thought I'd check it out. Glad I did. I'm following you now! I'm a cat lover, too! Oh...and Egg McMuffins! Yum!
