Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Obsession - COOKIE CUTTERS!!!!!

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Continuing with some of my obsessions - look at all my cookie cutters --

I have cookie cutters for every holiday or for any party or get together I might ever have!!!  I have them packaged according to category and also have them in a little notebook that I carry in my purse so if I see one that I love I can easily check to see if I already have a similar one.  I have no idea how many I have and don't really want to know!!!!

I just realized that I had a few (?) more that I have collected but not yet put in storage bags --

I also just realized that I don't have a cat cookie cutter -- but Lucy says that I can use her profile to make one --


  1. My collection looks about the same! LOL. It was fun to read about somebody as obsessed as I with cookie cutters. A few years back I did a post about mine and even counted them, but can't remember how many I had.

    I really don't use mine very often. Do you?

  2. This collection looks much like mine. Some of my holiday collections have their own box, not just a gallon bag. I think I will take them out and just take a photo of each collection. It's so easy to carry photos on your phone nowadays.
