Monday, February 6, 2012

Beef Stroganoff

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I know that I hadn't made this for quite a while - like several years - so Mr. Cardigan and I decided to have it for our evening meal on Christmas Eve this year.

Beef Stroganoff

1 1/2 lb. round steak
4 oz. can mushrooms, drained
1 medium onion, chopped
2 T. oil
1 tsp. salad mustard
1 tsp. worcestershire sauce
16 oz. of tomato sauce
1 C. sour cream

wide noodles

Cut meat into 2" cubes.  Brown meat in oil.  Add mushrooms and onions.  Drain grease.  Add remaining ingredients except sour cream - only add 1 tsp. sour cream.  Simmer for 1 1/2 hour.  Then, add rest of sour cream and heat thru.  Serve over noodles.

All in the sauce pan ready to cook for 1 1/2 hr. --

Sour cream has been added and just heating it thru --

You can see our Christmas Eve meal also consisted of a salad, deviled eggs & rolls --

I will be posting our Super Bowl spread very soon (I had trouble uploading pics today so went with a post that had lesser pictures).  As you can see -- Lucy doesn't even want to see any more food -- too much Super Bowl food yesterday!!!!!

I am linking to A Southern Fairytale's  Recipe Linky Party.  Just click here to look at all the amazing recipes!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE beef stroganoff! It's a favorite around these parts for sure - sometimes I even make a quick version as a way to use up leftover roast. Looks delicious! :)
