Saturday, February 4, 2012

Embellish Your Gloves With Beads

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I gave this pair to my daughter for her birthday.  I had bought some gloves at the sales about this time of year and matched them with some beads from my crafting that I do (bracelets, rings, silverware, etc.)

These are the gloves prior to accessorizing -

(I think I bought these at Penneys on sale either in February or March of last year.  This lets you buy some 'nicer' gloves at a better price -- so be on the lookout.  I buy these with ME in mind - because you never know if I might be the only one that gets these!!!  But, I honestly am wanting to make more of these and have a little stash to either give as gifts or maybe one day to sell.)

I picked out some beads I had that I thought would coordinate and used matching thread.  It takes a little bit of time to sew these because the material at the top had little holes in the design and the thread kept going thru.  Also, if the gloves you are using stretch a lot -- put them on your hand and mark where you want the beads to go because they might look different before you put the glove on and not how you want them to look after it's on (did I explain that OK?).  Note - you don't have to just embellish them on the cuff of the glove -- you can add beading to the body of the glove (between the cuff and the fingers).

I need to check my little stash because I think I have another pair that I bought at Penney's and I did get about 3 pairs from JoAnn's (although the ones at JoAnn's were in their $1 dollar bin they are not made as well and should only be worn 'here and there' as opposed to every day -- or your finger might poke thru.  But, I do think these are nice because they came in colors (pink & navy) that I didn't see much and, of course, the price was right!!!!  Since this is the time to find them on sale -- I might want to be looking in some department stores or TJ Maxx to see what I can find at a good price!!!

Check out these pictures of Lucy playing with her mouse at Christmas.    She put one of her toy mice (see it in the first pic in her mouth) under the Christmas tree skirt and then proceeded to play with it!!

(In case you were wondering - that pile on the couch hidden by the pink/black blanket are gifts for the grandsons that weren't coming for several days and we didn't want Lucy to have 'fun' with their presents!!)

I am linking to Funky Junk Interior's Sat. Nite Special.  Please click here to see great crafting, decorating & thrifting ideas.

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