Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun Spring Wreath

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Isn't this cute?  It is so easy to do!!  I originally found it on Pinterest and you can click here to see it at The Creative Place Blog.  I can't believe she posted it 2 years ago and I only found it now!!!  This is made with a ball of Fun Fur and she used green which looks great.  I knew that I had a bag with some Fun Fur that I had done nothing with (left from those years of making scarves!!!) and the best color I had to do this was yellow.

These are the materials that you need -

I found the wreath form (8") at Pat Catan's craft store and the trim and pins were from WalMart.

Before you start to wrap the Fun Fur - tie it on with a little knot - it will be covered so however you can make it work is fine.  Now, just start wrapping that yarn around.

It takes a while to do this so I found it best to watch an interesting TV show (an hour long one!!) and that will make the time go by better!!

This is how much I had left when I was finished - not much at all --

I trimmed the daisies off the roll and used the coordinating pins to hold them in place --

All finished --

Since I knew where I was hanging this and there wasn't room to have a long ribbon as in the original post - I opted to just clip in a medium size safety pin to hang it on the suction cup I was using --

Here you go --

Even though I had this with my Easter decorations - I plan to leave it in place for the next month or two.

I think there are many possibilities with this using appropriate holiday colors and trims for the other holidays.  I'll have to take a look at my remaining stash of Fun Fur to see if I can do other holidays.  If not, I will have to keep an eye out for Fun Fur on sale!!!  I'll have to check out the fabric departments better to see what I can use instead of the daisies.  I'm thinking something in red, white & blue would be great for the 4th of July!!

Lucy's favorite toys are her little mice.  She especially likes a little white one (I think it is under a couch right at this moment!!).  Anyway, it was so cute to watch her play with it.  I had this box on the floor when I was going thru all my Easter decorations to put out.  On her own - she was playing this game of putting the mouse in the box and then trying to get it out.  She may have had a hard time (not really that hard though!!) getting her head out sometimes --

I am linking to How To Nest For Less - Just A Party With My Peeps.  Click here to see all the crafts, recipes & decos.
How to Nest for Less

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