Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Of Course, It's Shells Again On The Mantel!!!!

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I love shells and can't wait to use them on my summertime mantel.  The shell trees I made and you can click here to see how to make your own.

I hot glue shells everywhere!!!

I am of the mind -- you can never have enough shells!!!  Do you feel the same?

Lucy, on the other hand, has been preoccupied with birds!!  Well, as much as an indoor cat can be!!  She has many scouting locations - this is her new covert operation --

There is a tiny head looking out that window -- as opposed to the view that I get!!!

I am linking to A Stroll Thru Life - Table Top Tuesday.  Check out all the fun by clicking here.

And, also linking to Home Stories A to Z who is having a Summer Mantel Link Party.  Just click here to get some great ideas for decorating your mantel!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love your mantel and the shells are so beautiful. Looks like your kitty has a great idea, just keeping tabs on the outdoors. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, marty
