Monday, July 11, 2011

Beaded Pitchers & Individual Cupcake Holders

My daughter hosted a tea recently and her theme had 'orange' in it.  I helped with a few things and wanted to share them with you.

I love beads and making things with them.  With this -- I have branched out from my usual beaded silverware I make and went with the 'you can put beads on anything' mentality!!!  I thought that beading the handles of some pitchers would be cool!!

I found these pitchers at the Libbey Glass Outlet in Toledo.  I think with my discount coupon that I paid around $4 each for them. 

I went thru my beads and had several kinds of larger orange ones and just purchased a couple small bags of the orange beads used on the middle pitcher (above) from Pat Catan's craft store.    I used the same 20 gauge wire that I do for my silverware and began and ended the same way on the handle as on the silverware.  I did have to start over on my first one as I didn't cut the piece of wire as long as I needed and that was a little waste. 

I think they came out pretty good!!  She served a cold tea - Southern Peach Tea - which was found at this great blog post.

I saw around the blogs that others had made individual cupcake holders for parties and thought that would be great for the tea.  I found at Pat Catan's craft store some unpainted wooden small candlestick holders and small ovals.  After I finished my spraypainting outdoor furniture project I began spraypainting these in pumpkin orange Krylon paint.

After I painted them on both side and any touch ups -- I used E6000 glue to adhere them together --

I let it dry for 24 hours --

Here are some pics with the cupcakes (chocolate with orange frosting!!) -

A paper doily was used so any oil from the cupcakes did not go on the holder.  Guests were able to take them home, if they desired --

I do believe that Lucy is bored by all this and just wants to nap on her little stack of pillows and blankets that she discovered --

I am linking to Boogieboard Cottage's Masterpiece Monday.  You can check out all the great ideas here.
Boogieboard Cottage

1 comment:

  1. Love the beaded handles. so creative. You should do a tutorial on how to make them.

    - The Tablescaper
