Saturday, July 23, 2011

Odds & Ends - June/July Style

We went to the Libbey Glass Outlet again (love that place!!) in Toledo.  What a great way to start the month!!

There are really good deals in glassware here.  If you are having a party or any type of get together -- this is a great place to get some bargain glassware.  Especially if it is something that you don't use often - like martini glasses, etc. -

The clearance area -

I did a prior post that I thought these would be great to hold dish soap on your kitchen counter -

Here I am resting while the others are paying for their items -

I was very good - I just bought the 3 pitchers that I beaded for my daughter's tea (in a prior post), some really cheap silverware to bead, and these irish coffee glasses (I'll use them for other drinks, too) to use for St. Patrick's Day -

I love to look for holiday glasses here.  You never know what holiday you will find!!  Afterwards we stopped at Tony Packo's (one of their locations is just a block away) and I ordered the same as last time -

Ice cream on the way home -

A few weeks later I went with my friends to the Duct Tape Festival in Avon.  The parade was absolutely the neatest thing -

Miss America was even there -

Many of the parade units had items made with duct tape -

After the parade - we enjoyed french fries --

and nachos --

On the way out I saw a duct tape Brutus Buckeye -

We stopped at Toft's for ice cream on the way home (can you see a pattern here?) -

I was busy in June & July with my grandsons' baseball games.  Youngest grandson in the red -

Oldest grandson in the blue -

I have also been getting my Fall Notebook in order.  I will be doing a post on that soon.  I have it organized, but I am still printing some ideas or recipes that I have been collecting online during the past year.  This is what it looks like right now -

The papers laying on top were "ideas" just printed today.  All the 'tried and true' decor/recipes are in the plastic sleeves and the papers in the back are possible "ideas" I might try.

Let's see -- what do I hope to accomplish or do in the next month??  I hope to go to another Festival, get my Christmas notebook going, and - maybe - cross stitch a towel or two!

This is how Mr. Cardigan and Lucy looked last night waiting for the pizza to be delivered -

1 comment:

    I wanted more pictures!!! I was going to drool I swear!
    I am glad I live far away from that place....I would be in serious danger!
    I adore your bucket hat with the cherries on it....could you possible tell me where you got it?

