Thursday, July 28, 2011

Salmon Patties

This is a recipe that I have been making for most of my adult life!  It was taught to me by my mother and, therefore, not a written recipe.  But, I will do my best!!

Salmon Patties

2 cans of salmon (14-16 oz. each)
1 sleeve of saltine crackers, crushed
2 eggs
2 T. lemon juice

*Cream of Mushroom Soup w/Milk

After opening each can of salmon - drain the juice and discard the bones.  Mash the salmon in a large bowl.  Add the eggs and lemon juice and mix.  Add the crackers until you have the desired consistency you would like.  (When I do 2 cans of salmon - it works to about 1 sleeve of crackers or 1/4 of a box)   I crush the crackers in my blender a small portion at a time and adding each portion to the salmon mixture and stirring it. 

I heat a little oil in a large skillet.  Then, I like to keep my hands moist while forming the patties - so I run some water in the sink and in between forming each patty I run water over my hands.  Form the salmon patties to your desired size and place them in the 'warm to hot' oil.  Fry them til done. 

* I always serve these with Cream of Mushroom soup that I mix with just a half can of milk.  I like a little thicker consistency.

This photo shows the salmon all mashed -

Eggs & lemon juice added -

Crushed crackers added last -

Salmon patties in the hot oil -

Flipped to the other side -

I always make sure each side is cooked a little again.  Love these with mashed potatoes and the cream of mushroom soup/gravy over both the patties and the potatoes.

Lucy loves to be part of the action!  She just blends in with the furniture sometimes!

I am linking to Designs by Gollum's Foodie Friday.  Check out all the great recipes here.
FOODIE FRIDAY Click for details

1 comment:

  1. These look delicious. We make them with salmon, egg, parsley and mashed potato, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry down here in NZ & Australia.

    Lucy looks a very content cat :-)
