Monday, August 29, 2011

Nutella Rice Krispie Treats!!

Do you love Nutella???  I am a newcomer to the Nutella fan club.  I bought a jar to make these treats for my daughter's birthday as she loves Nutella and Rice Krispie Treats so I thought this would be perfect for her.  I had a little left in the jar and now I am a big fan.

Nutella Rice Krispie Treats

4 T. butter
4 C. mini marshmallows
1 C. Nutella
6 C. Rice Krispies cereal

Melt butter in a large saucepan over low heat.  Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted.  Remove from heat and stir in the Nutella until melted.  Add the cereal and stir with a wooden spoon til well coated.  Press mixture into a 13 x 9 pan coated with Pam (or something similar). 

Cool.  Then, cut into desired squares.

I found this great recipe at one of my favorite blogs - Palmabella's Passions.  And, you can click here to see how she did this recipe and even decorated them with Nutella frosting.

I chose to adorn the birthday treats with some special toppers that you can see in the post prior to this one -

I'm working with Lucy on posing for some pictures.  How is she doing?

I am linking to Boogieboard Cottage's Masterpiece Monday.  Please click here to see many great ideas!!
Boogieboard Cottage


  1. It has been *ages* since I had nutella, and suddenly its everywhere! These look really delicious and I just love the faces, lol.

    I would love to see you link this post up at Freestyle Friday, going on now through Sunday night.

    Hope to see you there ~

  2. Oh Janet, Nutella has been my downfall this week! This slice looks lovely but it would last 2 minutes in this household!

  3. I bet this is yummy - I love rice krispies so I bet I'd love these!
