Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anniversary Trip & Computer Issues -- My Excuses For Being MIA From My Blog!!!!

I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted!!  I was having a super slow computer lately - that Dell lasted 10 years - can you believe it???  We spent a couple days in Frankenmuth, MI celebrating our 25th Anniversary!!  Then, came home to a 'beyond slow' computer and had to get a new one - and you know what all that entails!!!

Let's begin with our trip!  I had envisioned us spending our 25th Anniversary in Tuscon, AZ - a place that we love and haven't been to visit in many many years.  But, being unemployed changed all that!!!  We managed to do a 'scaled-down' trip to Frankenmuth, MI and am thankful that we could do that!!  I love to travel and miss not being able to afford that.  Our first stop was at Bronner's Christmas Shop.  I have been there once previously and love that store!!!  What an experience!!! 

I was greeted outside by the float they must use in parades.  I just love the tiered cookie stand on the left -
This was the scene inside the store looking up -
And, Mr. Cardigan waited patiently while I shopped (aka dashing thru the aisles so he keeps his patience - after all this is just the first stop in Frankenmuth!!!) -
Leaving the store and hoping that it's not a long time til my next visit!!
The first night we had dinner at the Bavarian Inn -
Another Bavarian Inn exterior pic (although we ate at the other great restaurant - Zenders - the next night - I failed to get a photo of that --
The next day we stopped at the River Place Shops.  Being as it was early in the week it was fairly quiet - which was great for us, but probably not for the shopkeepers --
One of the fun things we did on this visit was take a little boat trip at the Fun Ships along Main St.  I did not even realize there was water on the other side of Main St. because it is built up high.  We took a half hour cruise.  The boat we took was on the left -
It was going to take us up and down this area -
Here we are prior to departure -
Here is looking back at the boating dock -
A nice view of a waterfall at the River Place Shops that I didn't even know was there -
After the boat ride we continued visiting more shops and enjoyed stocking up on local cheeses -
A fun anniversary trip and I highly recommend visiting here!!!  Last time I was in Frankenmuth was with my YaYa galfriends and we had great fun, too!!

Now, I finished putting up the Fall decorations last month, but am just starting the Halloween decorating -
I have been spending my Sunday afternoons watching the youngest grandson play football.  He is in the 6th grade and so far they are undefeated.  He is #23 -
Have you missed Lucy????  She has missed you!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that Christmas shop looks wonderful Janet! What a cool looking place to visit.
