I am up for the Pinterest challenge and decided to make something for Christmas that I had pinned. My choice was to do some Christmas Photo Props --
I did not mean to scare you!!!! In looking at the photos I had Mr. Cardigan take of me I should have been making some expressions - not worrying if I was holding it good for you to see!!!! Ha!!
I love finding the many ideas on Pinterest - most of my pins come from blogs - and I found the idea for these Christmas Photo Props from Mustard Cut's Blog - and you can click here to see how she did hers!!
First, these are the supplies I assembled -
Yes, you do need that cup of coffee!!!! I bought pieces of felt at JoAnn's at $.34 each and found the Elmer's Craft Bond glue there, too.
I started with Rudolph's nose and found a glass size that I liked. I just used a pencil to trace my original on cardstock -
I cut out my original/master copy and then traced it with a pencil onto the felt (sometimes I had to use a black marker to trace if the felt was dark) -
After you cut it out on felt - repeat it on a piece thicker - sort of like a good shirt box or so. I'm thinking a cardboard box would be hard to cut. This you will end up gluing to the felt and it will make your prop sturdy -
Allow the glue to dry and then you can tape the stick to it (I'll show you that later in this post). Here is how Lucy looks as Rudolph -
Now, we need the antlers. I drew the antlers (after many attempts!!!!) freehand on paper first - then duplicated it onto cardstock to use as a master. Repeat the process as above -
How does Lucy look as a Reindeer?
I think the 2 go pretty well together -
Now, for an Elf Hat -
How about Santa's Hat & Beard -
Here they all are -
I was undecided as to the kind of sticks I would use to hold them. I had the thin bamboo skewers (found at Target a couple years ago) and also some cookie pop holders (found at a local craft store) -
In most of the photos I used the longer bamboo skewers because I though I needed the length. But, I felt that they weren't sturdy enough. So, I took off the bamboo skewers and replaced them all with the white sticks. You can find these in 2 sizes with the cookie decorating supplies and I am using the longer ones.
I used clear packaging tape to hold them in place -
The finish product with the white sturdier sticks -
I hope that you have enjoyed this and that the photos of me gave you a good laugh!!!! I cannot draw at all so I don't think they came out too bad!!! As I got into this project I think that I will use them at my Cookie Exchange and take photos of 2-3 of us in them and then a big group photo. Because I have enough felt (although I need more green for the Elf Hats) to make lots more. So, I am continuing with these for the next week or two and making enough so that everyone will be able to have something. Of course, leave it to me to make sure that Santa and Rudolph both need 2 props so I will be up to my eyeballs in felt, glue, etc. (Also, thinking maybe I might make enough that my Christmas group that is meeting in September can use them in one of their group photos!!!!) So many possibilities!!!!
I want to thank Centsational Girl for hosting this Pinterest Challenge. Check out all the fab links to others who did the challenge by clicking here.
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