My Fall Notebook keeps everything in one spot as far as recipes, decorating, etc. Besides Fall - it includes Halloween and Thanksgiving. Here is a pic of how it looked before I got it in order for this Fall -
Side view -
It is now in order!! Here it is - and very plain and unglamorous --
Bulging with ideas -
This is what you see when you open it (on the left side pocket are some stencils and treat bags for Fall) -
I have some pics of my Fall decorations as a reminder of where things went (either if I want to do the same or change things around) -
Here are recipes for this season so everything is very handy for me and I don't have to go looking thru my stacks of recipes. And, all the pages in the notebook are inserted in plastic sleeves to protect -
The cover page for the Halloween decor -
Some of my past Halloween decor pics -
Some Halloween foods that I have made -
Some Halloween recipes - here is one for 'Nutter Butter Ghosts' -
The cover page for Thanksgiving -
A small Thanksgiving banner that I made a couple years ago -
Here is the Thanksgiving menu from a few years ago -
One of my standard Thanksgiving recipes - or at least it is when my daughter is here for Thanksgiving as it is her favorite and was my Mom's recipe -
Now, for new ideas - clipped in the back of the notebook are recipes I would like to try (for Fall or Halloween or Thanksgiving) -
Decorating ideas I would like to try -
Craft ideas I want to do -
Some cute topiary ideas -
I know that I will need to upgrade to a bigger notebook soon and maybe I'll decorate the front of that notebook. I have grand plans, don't I? I tend to always 'think big' and whatever gets accomplished is great!!
I also have big plans for other notebooks, too. The next notebook I am going to start is a Christmas one as I have the papers all in a stack and ready to begin. Other notebooks that I hope to do are: February to Summer Notebook, Summer Notebook, and Cupcake/Cake Balls/Cookie Decorating Notebook. Good Luck to me!!!
Just the thought of all this has made Lucy very tired. She doesn't want to hear anything about it -
I am linking to Craft-O-Maniac's Monday Linky Party. Please click here for lots of ideas.

1 comment:
Seems we are on the same page I bought a planner and have been busy getting my place ready for the upcoming season.
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